International Busidays in Bruges

From Wednesday 20 till Friday 22 March 2024 we had an intensive three-day International Busidays at Howest University of Applied Sciences on the topic 'Data Innovation in (Green) Logistics'.

On Wednesday 20 March 2024, after a brief introduction of themselves, their university and the port closest to their campus, all 30 participating students were introduced to 'Data Innovation in Logistics' by Howest lecturer Mario Demets. Immediately after, a case was presented. On Wednesday evening, the five groups of students concluded with an analysis of the AS IS situation of that case. On Thursday morning, we interrupted working on the case with an interesting visit to the port of Zeebrugge. We visited the ABC building, were given a tour of the port and explored Fluxys. Then in the afternoon, work continued. And in the evening, there was a festive and relaxing moment at Mr Spaghetti. Thus, we also facilitated one of the main objectives of the Busidays, namely networking across all language and national borders. On Friday, the five mixed groups of students from the seven different Universities of Applied Sciences from Brussels (EPHEC), Wallonia (EPHEC and HELMo), the Netherlands (Hogeschool Inholland), France (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, IUT Quimper) and Flanders (Arteveldehogeschool, HOGENT and Howest) finished their work on the case and gave their presentation on the situation TO BE. Friday afternoon, we concluded with a reception and the award ceremony. Congratulations to all participating lecturers and students whose commitment and enthusiasm made it an unforgettable three days. Be sure to watch the short video to get an idea of these Busidays.

Special thanks to Marco Mosselman (Inholland University of Applied Sciences) and Marie Cornec (IUT Quimper), Mario Demets, Myriam Willaert and Erik Van der Cruysse (all Howest) for coaching the participating students during these Busidays.



Written by: Lieven Theys (Howest UAS) Published on: 24th May 2024

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