Businet Annual Conference - Vilamoura 2022
The Businet Board are monitoring the COVID situation globally and are considering the situation in relation to the hosting of the 34th Annual Conference, now due to be held in Vilamoura in March 2022.
A final decision on whether to go ahead with the event as planned, or to offer an alternative will be made on 16 December 2021. Details of the outcome of the meeting will be sent to member via Basecamp and the News Update. The outcome will also be added to this website
The decision regarding the conference is not an easy one as, we are keen to restart our full activities, but at the same time we must consider the welfare of our members.
Should the event go ahead, the details of the event are
Wednesday 9 March 2022 to Saturday 12 March 2022
Hilton Hotel and Resort, Vilamoura
Single room: €107
Twin/double €122
Triple room: €152
Full conference cost from €550
The 34th Businet Annual Conference will provisionally be held in Vilamoura, in southern Portugal from Wednesday 9 March 2022 to Saturday 12 March 2022.
The conference hotel and venue will be HILTON VILAMOURA AS CASCATAS RESORT. This is a 4-star property that offers a range of accommodation from double and twin rooms to apartment style accommodation. The cost of single occupancy in a double room is €107 per night including breakfast. Double occupancy is €61 per person.
We have negotiated that price for the 5 nights before and after the conference, to enable delegates to have flexibility in the length of their stay.
The conference will officially open with a getting to know each other session, followed by a welcome meal. The official start time is 18.30 on Wednesday evening. There will be an event on Wednesday afternoon for newcomers to the network, to help welcome them to the network and assist with their integration into the group before the main event.
There will be 5 keynote speakers, two will present on Thursday and three on Friday.
There will be 18 best practice workshops, operating in 3 blocks of 6 parallel sessions. Delegates choose the workshops they wish to attend.
The afternoons are dominated by curriculum groups on Thursday there are 9 to choose from. On Friday it is special interest groups. There are 8 of those to choose from.
Conference registration if the event goes ahead will open on 17th December 2021
The full conference cost is 550€. The conference cost includes the full conference programme, meals on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, with lunch on Thursday and Friday.
Our aim is to provide networking opportunities and offer an event which is of great value, both financially and from the point of view of meeting both your aims and those of your organisation.