Student Qualifications
Businet aims to provide "added value” for its member organisations and the stakeholders in those organisations. For students who participate in international activities Businet provides a range of certificated qualifications. The reason for offering such qualifications is to provide an element of "added value” for our students. Each individual curriculum group (HED groups – working groups) establish the criteria for the award in their curriculum area based around the accreditation guidelines set by Businet.
For more information please click on the qualification / certificate.
Accredited programmes of study will be:
- Of two years (minimum), full-time duration (or part-time equivalent).
- Incorporate the study of a foreign European language to a level of proficiency which enables a good level of communication in countries associated with that language.
- Provide an induction at an introductory level into the culture of one or more countries associated with the foreign European language.
- Incorporate the award of a nationally recognised higher education qualification, gained after a minimum of two years full-time, post secondary study (or part-time equivalent) from a member state higher education study.
Accredited programmes of study will be:
- Of three years (minimum), full-time duration (or part-time equivalent).
- Incorporate the study of a foreign European language to a level of proficiency which allows first destination employment in countries associated with that language.
- Provide an introduction into the culture of one or more countries associated with the foreign European language.
- Incorporate the award of a nationally recognised higher education qualification, gained after a minimum of two years, full-time, post secondary study (or part-time equivalent) from a member state higher education institution.
The CIBP was designed to give credit to students for completing a work placement activity outside of their home country. The intention being that it enables the student to display "added value” to potential employers.
The required criteria to achieve this award are as follows:
- The placement must be of a minimum 2 months duration.
- The placement must be outside the home country (and could be outside Europe).
- Documentary evidence of the successful completion of the placement period (assessment documentation) must be held by the home institution, from both the student and the placement provider.
- The period must be recognised by the home institution as part of their programme of study.
- A study reference report must be completed (3000 words minimum).
- A language element must be involved during the placement period.
The home institution will be responsible for confirming all requirements are met. The cost is €30.
Some students are not able to work or study outside of their own country because of family commitments, or personal circumstances. Likewise many part-time students are not able to work or study abroad because of work commitments. As a result of activities in college, or in the work place, some of these students have a knowledge and understanding of international business and / or cultural awareness.
In order to request certificates for your students, please download this document. Fill in all of the information and send the document via post or email. The document should be sent by the institution rather than the individual students.