Businet Members
Businet currently has 146 Members in 35 Countries
Australia 1 Members 
International College of Management, Sydney
Belgium 21 Members 
Accent Languages
Erasmus University College
Haute École de Namur, Liège, Luxembourg
Haute École EPHEC
Haute École Léonardo de Vinci
Haute École Louvain en Hainaut - HELHA
Haute Ecole Robert Schuman
HELMO - Haute École Libre Mosane -Liège
HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts - School of Business and Management
Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts
PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Thomas More Kempen UAS
VIVES University of Applied Sciences
Brazil 1 Members 
Integrado University - Centro Universitário Integrado
Bulgaria 1 Members 
University of economics-Varna
Costa Rica 1 Members 
Universidad Latino Americana de Ciencia y Tecnología
Croatia 2 Members 
PAR University of Applied Sciences
University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić
Czech Republic 1 Members 
College of Polytechnics Jihlava
Denmark 3 Members 
Dania Academy
International Business Academy
Lillebaelt Academy of Higher Professional Learning
Egypt 1 Members 
Swiss School of Management – Cairo
Finland 6 Members 
France 11 Members 
Catholic University of Vendée - ICES
CFA Leem Apprentissage
EXCELIA GROUP - La Rochelle Business School
Groupe IGS
IAE Dijon (Université de Bourgogne)
IGS-RH School of HRM
IUT Quimper
Lycée Notre Dame d'Espérance
Lycée Privé Jeanne d'Arc
Lycée Tézenas Du Montcel
Georgia 3 Members 
European University
Kutaisi University
Germany 8 Members 
World of Students
BSP Business & Law School
CBS International Business School
Euro Akademie Berlin
Euro Akademie Group
Europa Fachakademie Dr. Buhmann
HTW Berlin
Technical University Dresden,
Hungary 1 Members 
Corvinus University of Budapest
India 6 Members 
FOSTIIMA Business School
Geeta University
Rising IELTS studio and Career Solutions
Shri Guru Ram Das Educational Society Chandigarh Group of Colleges
Universal AI University
Italy 2 Members 
Swiss School of Management
Swiss School of Management - Brescia
Kosovo 2 Members 
UNI- Universum International College
University "Haxhi Zeka"
Latvia 3 Members 
Lithuania 3 Members 
Kauno kolegija / Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
Kazimieras Simonavicius University
Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
Malta 2 Members 
Malta Business School (Allied Consultants Ltd)
Stage Malta
Netherlands 15 Members 
Avans University of Applied Sciences s-Hertogenbosch
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Eindhoven/Tilburg/Venlo)
Hanze University of Applied Sciences - School of Communication, Media and IT
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht - Institute for Law
Inholland University of Applied Sciences
NHLStenden University of Applied Sciences
Saxion University of applied science
The Hague University of Applied Sciences - Academy of Marketing & Commerce (Dept. Of Commercial Economics)
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Norway 2 Members 
University of South-Eastern Norway
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Poland 5 Members 
Collegium Da Vinci
Foundation Innovation and Knowledge
Fundacja Digital Creators
WSB Merito University in Wrocław
WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza
Portugal 7 Members 
ISLA Gaia - Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia
Escola Superior de Comunicaçao Social
ESHTE - Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
Instituto Politecnico Setubal
ISG - Instituto Superior de Gestão
ISLA Santarém - Polytechnic University
Lisbon Accounting and Business School - ISCAL
Romania 4 Members 
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia
Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Universitatea Romano-Americana
South Africa 2 Members 
Belgium Campus ITVersity
University of Venda
Spain 7 Members 
Switzerland 2 Members 
Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève
Swiss School of Management
Ukraine 9 Members 
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Dnipro University of Technology
Kharkiv National Medical University
Khmelnytskyi National University
KROK University
National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit
O.O.Bogomolets National Medical University
Poltava State Agrarian University
Uzhhorod National University (UzhNU)
United Arab Emirates 1 Members 
Swiss School of Management - UAE
United Kingdom 7 Members 
Cardiff Metropolitan University
ExpLearn (Security Initiatives Limited)
Manchester Metropolitan University
Master Learn
New College Durham
OLC Europe LTD
Projects Beyond Borders Limited
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