Members Map
146 Members - in 35 Countries
Australia 1 Members 
- International College of Management, Sydney
Austria 1 Members 
- St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Belgium 21 Members 
- Accent Languages
- Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
- Artevelde University of Applied Sciences
- Erasmus University College
- Haute École de Namur, Liège, Luxembourg
- Haute École EPHEC
- Haute École Léonardo de Vinci
- Haute École Louvain en Hainaut - HELHA
- Haute Ecole Robert Schuman
- HELMO - Haute École Libre Mosane -Liège
- HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts - School of Business and Management
- Howest University of Applied Sciences, Bruges/Kortrijk
- Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Odisee University of Applied Sciences
- PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Thomas More Kempen UAS
- Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerpen
- UCLL University of Applied Sciences (Diepenbeek)
- UCLL University of Applied Sciences (Leuven)
- VIVES University of Applied Sciences
- Vzw ADP
Brazil 1 Members 
- Integrado University - Centro Universitário Integrado
Bulgaria 1 Members 
- University of economics-Varna
Costa Rica 1 Members 
- Universidad Latino Americana de Ciencia y Tecnología
Croatia 2 Members 
- PAR University of Applied Sciences
- University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić
Czech Republic 1 Members 
- College of Polytechnics Jihlava
Denmark 3 Members 
- Dania Academy
- International Business Academy
- Lillebaelt Academy of Higher Professional Learning
Egypt 1 Members 
- Swiss School of Management – Cairo
Finland 6 Members 
- Asia Exchange
- Centria University of Applied Sciences
- LAB University of Applied Sciences in Lahti
- Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences
- Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
France 11 Members 
- Catholic University of Vendée - ICES
- CFA Leem Apprentissage
- EXCELIA GROUP - La Rochelle Business School
- Groupe IGS
- IAE Dijon (Université de Bourgogne)
- IGS-RH School of HRM
- IUT Quimper
- Lycée Notre Dame d'Espérance
- Lycée Privé Jeanne d'Arc
- Lycée Tézenas Du Montcel
Georgia 3 Members 
- European University
- Kutaisi University
- Skillwill
Germany 8 Members 
- World of Students
- BSP Business & Law School
- CBS International Business School
- Euro Akademie Berlin
- Euro Akademie Group
- Europa Fachakademie Dr. Buhmann
- HTW Berlin
- Technical University Dresden,
Hungary 1 Members 
- Corvinus University of Budapest
India 6 Members 
- FOSTIIMA Business School
- Geeta University
- Rising IELTS studio and Career Solutions
- Shri Guru Ram Das Educational Society Chandigarh Group of Colleges
- Universal AI University
Ireland 1 Members 
- Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
Italy 2 Members 
- Swiss School of Management
- Swiss School of Management - Brescia
Kosovo 2 Members 
- UNI- Universum International College
- University "Haxhi Zeka"
Latvia 3 Members 
- College of Accountancy and Finance
- Riga Technical University, Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Society and Science
Lithuania 3 Members 
- Kauno kolegija / Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
- Kazimieras Simonavicius University
- Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
Malta 2 Members 
- Malta Business School (Allied Consultants Ltd)
- Stage Malta
Netherlands 15 Members 
- Avans University of Applied Sciences Breda
- Avans University of Applied Sciences s-Hertogenbosch
- Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Eindhoven/Tilburg/Venlo)
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School of ICT (Eindhoven)
- Hanze University of Applied Sciences - School of Communication, Media and IT
- HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht - Institute for Law
- Inholland University of Applied Sciences
- NHLStenden University of Applied Sciences
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Saxion University of applied science
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences - Academy of Marketing & Commerce (Dept. Of Commercial Economics)
- Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
- Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Norway 2 Members 
- University of South-Eastern Norway
- Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Poland 5 Members 
- Collegium Da Vinci
- Foundation Innovation and Knowledge
- Fundacja Digital Creators
- WSB Merito University in Wrocław
- WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza
Portugal 7 Members 
- ISLA Gaia - Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia
- Escola Superior de Comunicaçao Social
- ESHTE - Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
- Instituto Politecnico Setubal
- ISG - Instituto Superior de Gestão
- ISLA Santarém - Polytechnic University
- Lisbon Accounting and Business School - ISCAL
Romania 4 Members 
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia
- Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
- Universitatea Romano-Americana
Slovenia 2 Members 
- DOBA Business School
- GEA College -FP
South Africa 2 Members 
- Belgium Campus ITVersity
- University of Venda
Spain 7 Members 
- Camarabilbao University Business School
- EUSA Centro Universitario
- Saint Charles College
- Swiss School of Management Barcelona
- Universidad Nebrija
- Universitat de Girona
- Villanueva University
Switzerland 2 Members 
- Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève
- Swiss School of Management
Turkey 2 Members 
- Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Business
Ukraine 9 Members 
- Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
- Dnipro University of Technology
- Kharkiv National Medical University
- Khmelnytskyi National University
- KROK University
- National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit
- O.O.Bogomolets National Medical University
- Poltava State Agrarian University
- Uzhhorod National University (UzhNU)
United Arab Emirates 1 Members 
- Swiss School of Management - UAE
United Kingdom 7 Members 
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- ExpLearn (Security Initiatives Limited)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Master Learn
- New College Durham
- OLC Europe LTD
- Projects Beyond Borders Limited
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