The EnDigiCom project was a co-funded ERASMUS+ KA 2 Strategic Partnership project which focused on the improvement of digital skills within companies, mostly SMEs, and Vocational Education and Training providers because the labour market is looking intensively for qualified personnel with digital competencies and the professional use of social media tools.
As a Strategic Partnership supporting the Exchange of Good Practices, EnDigiCom predominantly targets
change and improvement among the participating partners (VET institutions, expert bodies) albeit with plans to
inform wider change among those having a similar vocational or professional development focus, with access
to wider stakeholder audiences provided via the Businet network (a participating partner). EnDigiCom partners
recognise, however, that efforts to modernise and adapt programme content have the potential to positively
impact on future learners, including those undertaking CPD courses, in the longer-term, ensuring the relevance
of knowledge, skills and competences to the needs of employers (including SMEs) and the labour market.
EnDigiCom brought together 7 partners from 5 European countries, as listed below, working either in the
development and delivery of VET, higher-VET and/or continuing professional development (hereafter CPD)
and/or specialising in the instruction and use of social media including within the business sector
o Europa-Wirtschaftsschulen GesmbH (Austria): Coordinator
o Institut de Gestion Sociale (France)
o Businet vzw (Belgium)
o EBC Euro-Business-College Gmbh (Germany)
o DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in druzbene studije (Slovenia)
o Natascha Ljubic (Austria)
o Virtua PR d.o.o. (Slovenia)