Innovative Support for Promoting Refugee Entrepreneurship in Tourism
The INSPIRE project, led by Technological University of the Shannon (Ireland) will support the needs of refugee led tourism entrepreneurs. We will identify good practice case studies, barriers to success case studies, and lessons applicable across the partner countries for the EU dealing with the refugee crises caused by the invasion of Ukraine and develop resources to support this population. We aim to support Ukrainian and other refugees with social integration and access to higher education through this innovative project. The project will produce a detailed report conducted from primary and secondary fieldwork in Ireland, Belgium, Croatia, Türkiye, & Ukraine. We will create a good practice user guide for refugee tourism entrepreneurs. This will be supported by course materials, a website and mobile application. A final resource will be the publication of a searchable databank of supports for refugee tourism entrepreneurs, including education and training supports, finance options, networking and business supports. Partners include Businet, KHNU and DVA (Ukraine), DEU (Türkiye), PAR (Croatia) and PXL (Belgium). The project will run Nov 2023 – Nov 2025 and is funded by Erasmus Key Action 2.