Spring Workshop - Registrations can now be made
The Businet Spring Workshop 2019 is being hosted by University Colleges Leuven Limburg in Leuven.
The Spring Workshop was designed to afford the "working groups" the opportunity to carry on project work and activities following on from the Annual Conference, together with preparing for the next conference. It also provides a significant amount of time for networking. It was also designed to allow "new" people to sample the work of the network. as it is inexpensive.
At the 2019 event the following groups will be represented:
- Intercom
- Marketing and International Trade
- Tourism
- Entrepreneurship
- Health
- Interdisciplinary
- Research
- Law (Thursday only)
- Communications
There will not be a meeting of the Internationalisation@home group. This is a developing group and a group that was conceived to work across the network and support the initiatives of all member institutes, the aim being to compliment the valuable work on I@H already being carried out in each curriculum group. Ideas and suggestions about the group remit will be collected at the Spring Workshop. This feedback will enable the group to consider the agenda for the Annual Conference in Belgrade.
The Board would like to thank UCLL for hosting this event.