Businet Law Game
13th Edition
2024 - 13th edition - What / How / When
- The BLG case deals with EU Law (on a beginners level) and it has to be solved by each group of students in max. 3 hours.
- The teams that play the BLG do not represent their University but players/students are mixed so that each group/team is composed of students who study at different institutions and speak a different mother tongue.
- The assignment of the BLG is in English, so the game will be played in English. This means that the assignment and the final documents must be written in English and the common language for communication is also English. Note that if players use their mother tongue during the game, penalties will be taken into account!
- Students from each team work on the solution of the law game via Google Classroom and video conferencing. So each player/student needs a computer or laptop with internet connection, a Google account, a headset and a webcam so that they can collaborate and consider, consult and communicate with their team members who are located in another European city.
- In order to encourage students to intensively cooperate, groups will not get all questions to the case at once, but one by one. Thus, every 45 minutes teams will get a question that needs to be answered in the same timeframe.
- The accompanying teachers can supervise all teams via Google Classroom and comment or help if necessary. The issue of deceit or favouritism is minimized because the BILG is played in mixed teams.
- All students receive a Businet certificate, the winners receive a winners certificate.
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Updated on 30 June 2024 - Remarks or Information: N. Nijsten
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